AAAI.2021 - Speech and Natural Language Processing

Total: 247

#1 GATE: Graph Attention Transformer Encoder for Cross-lingual Relation and Event Extraction [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Wasi Uddin Ahmad ; Nanyun Peng ; Kai-Wei Chang

Recent progress in cross-lingual relation and event extraction use graph convolutional networks (GCNs) with universal dependency parses to learn language-agnostic sentence representations such that models trained on one language can be applied to other languages. However, GCNs struggle to model words with long-range dependencies or are not directly connected in the dependency tree. To address these challenges, we propose to utilize the self-attention mechanism where we explicitly fuse structural information to learn the dependencies between words with different syntactic distances. We introduce GATE, a Graph Attention Transformer Encoder, and test its cross-lingual transferability on relation and event extraction tasks. We perform experiments on the ACE05 dataset that includes three typologically different languages: English, Chinese, and Arabic. The evaluation results show that GATE outperforms three recently proposed methods by a large margin. Our detailed analysis reveals that due to the reliance on syntactic dependencies, GATE produces robust representations that facilitate transfer across languages.

#2 Empirical Regularization for Synthetic Sentence Pairs in Unsupervised Neural Machine Translation [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Xi Ai ; Bin Fang

UNMT tackles translation on monolingual corpora in two required languages. Since there is no explicitly cross-lingual signal, pre-training and synthetic sentence pairs are significant to the success of UNMT. In this work, we empirically study the core training procedure of UNMT to analyze the synthetic sentence pairs obtained from back-translation. We introduce new losses to UNMT to regularize the synthetic sentence pairs by jointly training the UNMT objective and the regularization objective. Our comprehensive experiments support that our method can generally improve the performance of currently successful models on three similar pairs {French, German, Romanian} <-> English and one dissimilar pair Russian <-> English with acceptably additional cost.

#3 Segmentation of Tweets with URLs and its Applications to Sentiment Analysis [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Abdullah Aljebreen ; Weiyi Meng ; Eduard Dragut

An important means for disseminating information in social media platforms is by including URLs that point to external sources in user posts. In Twitter, we estimate that about 21% of the daily stream of English-language tweets contain URLs. We notice that NLP tools make little attempt at understanding the relationship between the content of the URL and the text surrounding it in a tweet. In this work, we study the structure of tweets with URLs relative to the content of the Web documents pointed to by the URLs. We identify several segments classes that may appear in a tweet with URLs, such as the title of a Web page and the user's original content. Our goals in this paper are: introduce, define, and analyze the segmentation problem of tweets with URLs, develop an effective algorithm to solve it, and show that our solution can benefit sentiment analysis on Twitter. We also show that the problem is an instance of the block edit distance problem, and thus an NP-hard problem.

#4 Unsupervised Opinion Summarization with Content Planning [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Reinald Kim Amplayo ; Stefanos Angelidis ; Mirella Lapata

The recent success of deep learning techniques for abstractive summarization is predicated on the availability of large-scale datasets. When summarizing reviews (e.g., for products or movies), such training data is neither available nor can be easily sourced, motivating the development of methods which rely on synthetic datasets for supervised training. We show that explicitly incorporating content planning in a summarization model not only yields output of higher quality, but also allows the creation of synthetic datasets which are more natural, resembling real world document-summary pairs. Our content plans take the form of aspect and sentiment distributions which we induce from data without access to expensive annotations. Synthetic datasets are created by sampling pseudo-reviews from a Dirichlet distribution parametrized by our content planner, while our model generates summaries based on input reviews and induced content plans. Experimental results on three domains show that our approach outperforms competitive models in generating informative, coherent, and fluent summaries that capture opinion consensus.

#5 Enhancing Scientific Papers Summarization with Citation Graph [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Chenxin An ; Ming Zhong ; Yiran Chen ; Danqing Wang ; Xipeng Qiu ; Xuanjing Huang

Previous work for text summarization in scientific domain mainly focused on the content of the input document, but seldom considering its citation network. However, scientific papers are full of uncommon domain-specific terms, making it almost impossible for the model to understand its true meaning without the help of the relevant research community. In this paper, we redefine the task of scientific papers summarization by utilizing their citation graph and propose a citation graph-based summarization model CGSum which can incorporate the information of both the source paper and its references. In addition, we construct a novel scientific papers summarization dataset Semantic Scholar Network (SSN) which contains 141K research papers in different domains and 661K citation relationships. The entire dataset constitutes a large connected citation graph. Extensive experiments show that our model can achieve competitive performance when compared with the pretrained models even with a simple architecture. The results also indicates the citation graph is crucial to better understand the content of papers and generate high-quality summaries.

#6 Multi-Dimensional Explanation of Target Variables from Documents [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Diego Antognini ; Claudiu Musat ; Boi Faltings

Automated predictions require explanations to be interpretable by humans. Past work used attention and rationale mechanisms to find words that predict the target variable of a document. Often though, they result in a tradeoff between noisy explanations or a drop in accuracy. Furthermore, rationale methods cannot capture the multi-faceted nature of justifications for multiple targets, because of the non-probabilistic nature of the mask. In this paper, we propose the Multi-Target Masker (MTM) to address these shortcomings. The novelty lies in the soft multi-dimensional mask that models a relevance probability distribution over the set of target variables to handle ambiguities. Additionally, two regularizers guide MTM to induce long, meaningful explanations. We evaluate MTM on two datasets and show, using standard metrics and human annotations, that the resulting masks are more accurate and coherent than those generated by the state-of-the-art methods. Moreover, MTM is the first to also achieve the highest F1 scores for all the target variables simultaneously.

#7 Joint Semantic Analysis with Document-Level Cross-Task Coherence Rewards [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Rahul Aralikatte ; Mostafa Abdou ; Heather C Lent ; Daniel Hershcovich ; Anders Søgaard

Coreference resolution and semantic role labeling are NLP tasks that capture different aspects of semantics, indicating respectively, which expressions refer to the same entity, and what semantic roles expressions serve in the sentence. However, they are often closely interdependent, and both generally necessitate natural language understanding. Do they form a coherent abstract representation of documents? We present a neural network architecture for joint coreference resolution and semantic role labeling for English, and train graph neural networks to model the 'coherence' of the combined shallow semantic graph. Using the resulting coherence score as a reward for our joint semantic analyzer, we use reinforcement learning to encourage global coherence over the document and between semantic annotations. This leads to improvements on both tasks in multiple datasets from different domains, and across a range of encoders of different expressivity, calling, we believe, for a more holistic approach for semantics in NLP.

#8 Segatron: Segment-Aware Transformer for Language Modeling and Understanding [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: He Bai ; Peng Shi ; Jimmy Lin ; Yuqing Xie ; Luchen Tan ; Kun Xiong ; Wen Gao ; Ming Li

Transformers are powerful for sequence modeling. Nearly all state-of-the-art language models and pre-trained language models are based on the Transformer architecture. However, it distinguishes sequential tokens only with the token position index. We hypothesize that better contextual representations can be generated from the Transformer with richer positional information. To verify this, we propose a segment-aware Transformer (Segatron), by replacing the original token position encoding with a combined position encoding of paragraph, sentence, and token. We first introduce the segment-aware mechanism to Transformer-XL, which is a popular Transformer-based language model with memory extension and relative position encoding. We find that our method can further improve the Transformer-XL base model and large model, achieving 17.1 perplexity on the WikiText-103 dataset. We further investigate the pre-training masked language modeling task with Segatron. Experimental results show that BERT pre-trained with Segatron (SegaBERT) can outperform BERT with vanilla Transformer on various NLP tasks, and outperforms RoBERTa on zero-shot sentence representation learning. Our code is available on GitHub.

#9 Learning to Copy Coherent Knowledge for Response Generation [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Jiaqi Bai ; Ze Yang ; Xinnian Liang ; Wei Wang ; Zhoujun Li

Knowledge-driven dialog has shown remarkable performance to alleviate the problem of generating uninformative responses in the dialog system. However, incorporating knowledge coherently and accurately into response generation is still far from being solved. Previous works dropped into the paradigm of non-goal-oriented knowledge-driven dialog, they are prone to ignore the effect of dialog goal, which has potential impacts on knowledge exploitation and response generation. To address this problem, this paper proposes a Goal-Oriented Knowledge Copy network, GOKC. Specifically, a goal-oriented knowledge discernment mechanism is designed to help the model discern the knowledge facts that are highly correlated to the dialog goal and the dialog context. Besides, a context manager is devised to copy facts not only from the discerned knowledge but also from the dialog goal and the dialog context, which allows the model to accurately restate the facts in the generated response. The empirical studies are conducted on two benchmarks of goal-oriented knowledge-driven dialog generation. The results show that our model can significantly outperform several state-of-the-art models in terms of both automatic evaluation and human judgments.

#10 Contextualized Rewriting for Text Summarization [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Guangsheng Bao ; Yue Zhang

Extractive summarization suffers from irrelevance, redundancy and incoherence. Existing work shows that abstractive rewriting for extractive summaries can improve the conciseness and readability. These rewriting systems consider extracted summaries as the only input, which is relatively focused but can lose important background knowledge. In this paper, we investigate contextualized rewriting, which ingests the entire original document. We formalize contextualized rewriting as a seq2seq problem with group alignments, introducing group tag as a solution to model the alignments, identifying extracted summaries through content-based addressing. Results show that our approach significantly outperforms non-contextualized rewriting systems without requiring reinforcement learning, achieving strong improvements on ROUGE scores upon multiple extractive summarizers.

#11 Knowledge-driven Natural Language Understanding of English Text and its Applications [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Kinjal Basu ; Sarat Chandra Varanasi ; Farhad Shakerin ; Joaquín Arias ; Gopal Gupta

Understanding the meaning of a text is a fundamental challenge of natural language understanding (NLU) research. An ideal NLU system should process a language in a way that is not exclusive to a single task or a dataset. Keeping this in mind, we have introduced a novel knowledge driven semantic representation approach for English text. By leveraging the VerbNet lexicon, we are able to map syntax tree of the text to its commonsense meaning represented using basic knowledge primitives. The general purpose knowledge represented from our approach can be used to build any reasoning based NLU system that can also provide justification. We applied this approach to construct two NLU applications that we present here: SQuARE (Semantic-based Question Answering and Reasoning Engine) and StaCACK (Stateful Conversational Agent using Commonsense Knowledge). Both these systems work by ``truly understanding'' the natural language text they process and both provide natural language explanations for their responses while maintaining high accuracy.

#12 One SPRING to Rule Them Both: Symmetric AMR Semantic Parsing and Generation without a Complex Pipeline [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Michele Bevilacqua ; Rexhina Blloshmi ; Roberto Navigli

In Text-to-AMR parsing, current state-of-the-art semantic parsers use cumbersome pipelines integrating several different modules or components, and exploit graph recategorization, i.e., a set of content-specific heuristics that are developed on the basis of the training set. However, the generalizability of graph recategorization in an out-of-distribution setting is unclear. In contrast, state-of-the-art AMR-to-Text generation, which can be seen as the inverse to parsing, is based on simpler seq2seq. In this paper, we cast Text-to-AMR and AMR-to-Text as a symmetric transduction task and show that by devising a careful graph linearization and extending a pretrained encoder-decoder model, it is possible to obtain state-of-the-art performances in both tasks using the very same seq2seq approach, i.e., SPRING (Symmetric PaRsIng aNd Generation). Our model does not require complex pipelines, nor heuristics built on heavy assumptions. In fact, we drop the need for graph recategorization, showing that this technique is actually harmful outside of the standard benchmark. Finally, we outperform the previous state of the art on the English AMR 2.0 dataset by a large margin: on Text-to-AMR we obtain an improvement of 3.6 Smatch points, while on AMR-to-Text we outperform the state of the art by 11.2 BLEU points. We release the software at

#13 Benchmarking Knowledge-Enhanced Commonsense Question Answering via Knowledge-to-Text Transformation [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Ning Bian ; Xianpei Han ; Bo Chen ; Le Sun

A fundamental ability of humans is to utilize commonsense knowledge in language understanding and question answering. In recent years, many knowledge-enhanced Commonsense Question Answering (CQA) approaches have been proposed. However, it remains unclear: (1) How far can we get by exploiting external knowledge for CQA? (2) How much potential of knowledge has been exploited in current CQA models? (3) Which are the most promising directions for future CQA? To answer these questions, we benchmark knowledge-enhanced CQA by conducting extensive experiments on multiple standard CQA datasets using a simple and effective knowledge-to-text transformation framework. Experiments show that: (1) Our knowledge-to-text framework is effective and achieves state-of-the-art performance on CommonsenseQA dataset, providing a simple and strong knowledge-enhanced baseline for CQA; (2) The potential of knowledge is still far from being fully exploited in CQA — there is a significant performance gap from current models to our models with golden knowledge; and (3) Context-sensitive knowledge selection, heterogeneous knowledge exploitation, and commonsense-rich language models are promising CQA directions.

#14 Multilingual Transfer Learning for QA using Translation as Data Augmentation [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Mihaela Bornea ; Lin Pan ; Sara Rosenthal ; Radu Florian ; Avirup Sil

Prior work on multilingual question answering has mostly focused on using large multilingual pre-trained language models (LM) to perform zero-shot language-wise learning: train a QA model on English and test on other languages. In this work, we explore strategies that improve cross-lingual transfer by bringing the multilingual embeddings closer in the semantic space. Our first strategy augments the original English training data with machine translation-generated data. This results in a corpus of multilingual silver-labeled QA pairs that is 14 times larger than the original training set. In addition, we propose two novel strategies, language adversarial training and language arbitration framework, which significantly improve the (zero-resource) cross-lingual transfer performance and result in LM embeddings that are less language-variant. Empirically, we show that the proposed models outperform the previous zero-shot baseline on the recently introduced multilingual MLQA and TyDiQA datasets.

#15 Learning to Rationalize for Nonmonotonic Reasoning with Distant Supervision [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Faeze Brahman ; Vered Shwartz ; Rachel Rudinger ; Yejin Choi

The black-box nature of neural models has motivated a line of research that aims to generate natural language rationales to explain why a model made certain predictions. Such rationale generation models, to date, have been trained on dataset-specific crowdsourced rationales, but this approach is costly and is not generalizable to new tasks and domains. In this paper, we investigate the extent to which neural models can reason about natural language rationales that explain model predictions, relying only on distant supervision with no additional annotation cost for human-written rationales. We investigate multiple ways to automatically generate rationales using pre-trained language models, neural knowledge models, and distant supervision from related tasks, and train generative models capable of composing explanatory rationales for unseen instances. We demonstrate our approach on the defeasible inference task, a nonmonotonic reasoning task in which an inference may be strengthened or weakened when new information (an update) is introduced. Our model shows promises at generating post-hoc rationales explaining why an inference is more or less likely given the additional information, however, it mostly generates trivial rationales reflecting the fundamental limitations of neural language models. Conversely, the more realistic setup of jointly predicting the update or its type and generating rationale is more challenging, suggesting an important future direction.

#16 Brain Decoding Using fNIRS [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Lu Cao ; Dandan Huang ; Yue Zhang ; Xiaowei Jiang ; Yanan Chen

Brain activation can reflect semantic information elicited by natural words and concepts. Increasing research has been conducted on decoding such neural activation patterns using representational semantic models. However, prior work decoding semantic meaning from neurophysiological responses has been largely limited to ECoG, fMRI, MEG, and EEG techniques, each having its own advantages and limitations. More recently, the functional near infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) has emerged as an alternative hemodynamic-based approach and possesses a number of strengths. We investigate brain decoding tasks under the help of fNIRS and empirically compare fNIRS with fMRI. Primarily, we find that: 1) like fMRI scans, activation patterns recorded from fNIRS encode rich information for discriminating concepts, but show limits on the possibility of decoding fine-grained semantic clues; 2) fNIRS decoding shows robustness across different brain regions, semantic categories and even subjects; 3) fNIRS has higher accuracy being decoded based on multi-channel patterns as compared to single-channel ones, which is in line with our intuition of the working mechanism of human brain. Our findings prove that fNIRS has the potential to promote a deep integration of NLP and cognitive neuroscience from the perspective of language understanding. We release the largest fNIRS dataset by far to facilitate future research.

#17 Extracting Zero-shot Structured Information from Form-like Documents: Pretraining with Keys and Triggers [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Rongyu Cao ; Ping Luo

In this paper, we revisit the problem of extracting the values of a given set of key fields from form-like documents. It is the vital step to support many downstream applications, such as knowledge base construction, question answering, document comprehension and so on. Previous studies ignore the semantics of the given keys by considering them only as the class labels, and thus might be incapable to handle zero-shot keys. Meanwhile, although these models often leverage the attention mechanism, the learned features might not reflect the true proxy of explanations on why humans would recognize the value for the key, and thus could not well generalize to new documents. To address these issues, we propose a Key-Aware and Trigger-Aware (KATA) extraction model. With the input key, it explicitly learns two mappings, namely from key representations to trigger representations and then from trigger representations to values. These two mappings might be intrinsic and invariant across different keys and documents. With a large training set automatically constructed based on the Wikipedia data, we pre-train these two mappings. Experiments with the fine-tuning step to two applications show that the proposed model achieves more than 70% accuracy for the extraction of zero-shot keys while previous methods all fail.

#18 Simple or Complex? Learning to Predict Readability of Bengali Texts [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Susmoy Chakraborty ; Mir Tafseer Nayeem ; Wasi Uddin Ahmad

Determining the readability of a text is the first step to its simplification. In this paper, we present a readability analysis tool capable of analyzing text written in the Bengali language to provide in-depth information on its readability and complexity. Despite being the 7th most spoken language in the world with 230 million native speakers, Bengali suffers from a lack of fundamental resources for natural language processing. Readability related research of the Bengali language so far can be considered to be narrow and sometimes faulty due to the lack of resources. Therefore, we correctly adopt document-level readability formulas traditionally used for U.S. based education system to the Bengali language with a proper age-to-age comparison. Due to the unavailability of large-scale human-annotated corpora, we further divide the document-level task into sentence-level and experiment with neural architectures, which will serve as a baseline for the future works of Bengali readability prediction. During the process, we present several human-annotated corpora and dictionaries such as a document-level dataset comprising 618 documents with 12 different grade levels, a large-scale sentence-level dataset comprising more than 96K sentences with simple and complex labels, a consonant conjunct count algorithm and a corpus of 341 words to validate the effectiveness of the algorithm, a list of 3,396 easy words, and an updated pronunciation dictionary with more than 67K words. These resources can be useful for several other tasks of this low-resource language.

#19 Lexically Constrained Neural Machine Translation with Explicit Alignment Guidance [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Guanhua Chen ; Yun Chen ; Victor O.K. Li

Lexically constrained neural machine translation (NMT), which leverages pre-specified translation to constrain NMT, has practical significance in interactive translation and NMT domain adaption. Previous work either modify the decoding algorithm or train the model on augmented dataset. These methods suffer from either high computational overheads or low copying success rates. In this paper, we investigate Att-Input and Att-Output, two alignment-based constrained decoding methods. These two methods revise the target tokens during decoding based on word alignments derived from encoder-decoder attention weights. Our study shows that Att-Input translates better while Att-Output is more computationally efficient. Capitalizing on both strengths, we further propose EAM-Output by introducing an explicit alignment module (EAM) to a pretrained Transformer. It decodes similarly as EAM-Output, except using alignments derived from the EAM. We leverage the word alignments induced from Att-Input as labels and train the EAM while keeping the parameters of the Transformer frozen. Experiments on WMT16 De-En and WMT16 Ro-En show the effectiveness of our approaches on constrained NMT. In particular, the proposed EAM-Output method consistently outperforms previous approaches in translation quality, with light computational overheads over unconstrained baseline.

#20 Aspect-Level Sentiment-Controllable Review Generation with Mutual Learning Framework [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Huimin Chen ; Yankai Lin ; Fanchao Qi ; Jinyi Hu ; Peng Li ; Jie Zhou ; Maosong Sun

Review generation, aiming to automatically generate review text according to the given information, is proposed to assist in the unappealing review writing. However, most of existing methods only consider the overall sentiments of reviews and cannot achieve aspect-level sentiment control. Even though some previous studies attempt to generate aspect-level sentiment-controllable reviews, they usually require large-scale human annotations which are unavailable in the real world. To address this issue, we propose a mutual learning framework to take advantage of unlabeled data to assist the aspect-level sentiment-controllable review generation. The framework consists of a generator and a classifier which utilize confidence mechanism and reconstruction reward to enhance each other. Experimental results show our model can achieve aspect-sentiment control accuracy up to 88% without losing generation quality.

#21 Weakly-Supervised Hierarchical Models for Predicting Persuasive Strategies in Good-faith Textual Requests [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Jiaao Chen ; Diyi Yang

Modeling persuasive language has the potential to better facilitate our decision-making processes. Despite its importance, computational modeling of persuasion is still in its infancy, largely due to the lack of benchmark datasets that can provide quantitative labels of persuasive strategies to expedite this line of research. To this end, we introduce a large-scale multi-domain text corpus for modeling persuasive strategies in good-faith text requests. Moreover, we design a hierarchical weakly-supervised latent variable model that can leverage partially labeled data to predict such associated persuasive strategies for each sentence, where the supervision comes from both the overall document-level labels and very limited sentence-level labels. Experimental results showed that our proposed method outperformed existing semi-supervised baselines significantly. We have publicly released our code at

#22 A Lightweight Neural Model for Biomedical Entity Linking [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Lihu Chen ; Gaël Varoquaux ; Fabian M. Suchanek

Biomedical entity linking aims to map biomedical mentions, such as diseases and drugs, to standard entities in a given knowledge base. The specific challenge in this context is that the same biomedical entity can have a wide range of names, including synonyms, morphological variations, and names with different word orderings. Recently, BERT-based methods have advanced the state-of-the-art by allowing for rich representations of word sequences. However, they often have hundreds of millions of parameters and require heavy computing resources, which limits their applications in resource-limited scenarios. Here, we propose a lightweight neural method for biomedical entity linking, which needs just a fraction of the parameters of a BERT model and much less computing resources. Our method uses a simple alignment layer with attention mechanisms to capture the variations between mention and entity names. Yet, we show that our model is competitive with previous work on standard evaluation benchmarks.

#23 Bidirectional Machine Reading Comprehension for Aspect Sentiment Triplet Extraction [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Shaowei Chen ; Yu Wang ; Jie Liu ; Yuelin Wang

Aspect sentiment triplet extraction (ASTE), which aims to identify aspects from review sentences along with their corresponding opinion expressions and sentiments, is an emerging task in fine-grained opinion mining. Since ASTE consists of multiple subtasks, including opinion entity extraction, relation detection, and sentiment classification, it is critical and challenging to appropriately capture and utilize the associations among them. In this paper, we transform ASTE task into a multi-turn machine reading comprehension (MTMRC) task and propose a bidirectional MRC (BMRC) framework to address this challenge. Specifically, we devise three types of queries, including non-restrictive extraction queries, restrictive extraction queries and sentiment classification queries, to build the associations among different subtasks. Furthermore, considering that an aspect sentiment triplet can derive from either an aspect or an opinion expression, we design a bidirectional MRC structure. One direction sequentially recognizes aspects, opinion expressions, and sentiments to obtain triplets, while the other direction identifies opinion expressions first, then aspects, and at last sentiments. By making the two directions complement each other, our framework can identify triplets more comprehensively. To verify the effectiveness of our approach, we conduct extensive experiments on four benchmark datasets. The experimental results demonstrate that BMRC achieves state-of-the-art performances.

#24 Empower Distantly Supervised Relation Extraction with Collaborative Adversarial Training [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Tao Chen ; Haochen Shi ; Liyuan Liu ; Siliang Tang ; Jian Shao ; Zhigang Chen ; Yueting Zhuang

With recent advances in distantly supervised (DS) relation extraction (RE), considerable attention is attracted to leverage multi-instance learning (MIL) to distill high-quality supervision from the noisy DS. Here, we go beyond label noise and identify the key bottleneck of DS-MIL to be its low data utilization: as high-quality supervision being refined by MIL, MIL abandons a large amount of training instances, which leads to a low data utilization and hinders model training from having abundant supervision. In this paper, we propose collaborative adversarial training to improve the data utilization, which coordinates virtual adversarial training (VAT) and adversarial training (AT) at different levels. Specifically, since VAT is label-free, we employ the instance-level VAT to recycle instances abandoned by MIL. Besides, we deploy AT at the bag-level to unleash the full potential of the high-quality supervision got by MIL. Our proposed method brings consistent improvements (∼ 5 absolute AUC score) to the previous state of the art, which verifies the importance of the data utilization issue and the effectiveness of our method.

#25 Reasoning in Dialog: Improving Response Generation by Context Reading Comprehension [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Xiuying Chen ; Zhi Cui ; Jiayi Zhang ; Chen Wei ; Jianwei Cui ; Bin Wang ; Dongyan Zhao ; Rui Yan

In multi-turn dialog, utterances do not always take the full form of sentences (Carbonell 1983), which naturally makes understanding the dialog context more difficult. However, it is essential to fully grasp the dialog context to generate a reasonable response. Hence, in this paper, we propose to improve the response generation performance by examining the model's ability to answer a reading comprehension question, where the question is focused on the omitted information in the dialog. Enlightened by the multi-task learning scheme, we propose a joint framework that unifies these two tasks, sharing the same encoder to extract the common and task-invariant features with different decoders to learn task-specific features. To better fusing information from the question and the dialog history in the encoding part, we propose to augment the Transformer architecture with a memory updater, which is designed to selectively store and update the history dialog information so as to support downstream tasks. For the experiment, we employ human annotators to write and examine a large-scale dialog reading comprehension dataset. Extensive experiments are conducted on this dataset, and the results show that the proposed model brings substantial improvements over several strong baselines on both tasks. In this way, we demonstrate that reasoning can indeed help better response generation and vice versa. We release our large-scale dataset for further research.